Telephone: 01384 211168 | Email:
Supported Contact
Our Supported Contact service helps children and young people to see a parent or secondary caregiver. This is to establish or re-establish meaningful relationships. Staff and volunteers will always be on hand to give support when required. No reports are necessary for this service and no supervised monitoring. There is a single referral charge of £55.00.
indirect contact
Our Indirect Service offers parents and secondary caregivers the opportunity to use our phones or laptops to telephone, face time, skype or write, create letters, cards or other creative forms of appropriate communication that can be relayed to the child/ren and keep in touch with them. There is a single referral charge of £45.00.
ACC Dudley Supervised Handover service is to support parents in the handing over of their child/ren between parents, so that they do not have to meet. The hand over will be done by our fully trained and caring contact centre staff. The non-resident parent will then take thechild out of the centre for the duration of the visit, bringing them back to the ACC afterwards. there is a single referral charge of £25.00.